Yukii Takahashi is now gazing at the road to her film debut as a co-star in the upcoming movie entitled “I Love Lizzy.” The film is directed by RC Delos Reyes and produced by Mavx Productions, in line with Star Magic’s 30th anniversary celebration. The story revolves around two individuals, a seminarian named Jeff (portrayed by Carlo Aquino) and a girl named Lizzy (played by Barbie Imperial) whom Jeff falls in love with.
Yukii Takahashi is a social media superstar and TV personality who has made appearances on various shows such as TV5’s “Sing Galing” by being one of the “Singtokers” in the said videoke game show. She has also ventured in the field of hosting, having served as one of the co-hosts for the P-Pop talent reality competition “Top Class: Rise To P-Pop Stardom” and NET25’s game show “Tara Game, Agad Agad!” Adding up to her experiences as a budding artist is taking part in one of the latest shows on television entitled “Ano’ng Meron Kay Abok” airing on NET25.
The film will be released on January 18, 2023 in cinemas nationwide.
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